Microsoft Azure, commonly referred to as Azure, is a cloud computing service created by Microsoft for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications and services through Microsoft-managed data centers.
Course Introduction
Overview of the Exam Requirements
General Azure Exam Tips
Multi-Channel Learning Other Resources
From Self Hosting to Cloud Computing
Overview of 100 Azure Services
Azure Geos and Regions
What is a Virtual Machine
The Azure Portal
Create a Virtual Machine in Azure
Test a Virtual Machine in Azure
Configure a VM for Availability
Monitor a VM
Setting up Virtual Machine Scale Sets (VMSS)
Configure Diagnostic Settings on Resources
Create Baseline for Resources
Create and Test Alerts
Create and Test Metrics
Create Action Groups
Monitor and Manage Azure Costs
View Alerts in Log Analytics
Create a Storage Account
Add Storage Account to a Virtual Network
Manage Access Keys and Secure Access Signature (SAS)
Using Storage Explorer
Setting up Log Analytics for Storage
Configure Storage Redundancy
Overview of Virtual Networks
Public and Private IP Addresses
Routing Traffic on a Network
Introduction to VNET Peering
Configuring VNET-to-VNET Communication
VPN Configuration
Azure Active Directory Basic versus Premium Tiers
Create an Azure Active Directory Account (Azure AD)
Assign a Custom Domain to Azure AD
Upgrade Azure AD to Premium P2
Azure AD Identity Protection
Setting Up Self-Service Password Reset
Azure AD Conditional Access
Utilizing Access Reviews
Overview of Serverless Computing
Create an Azure Function App
Code an Azure Function
Create an Azure Logic App
More on Logic Apps
Create an Azure Event Grid
Messaging with Service Bus
Create a Load Balancer
Understand Load Balancer Settings
Front End IP Configuration
Create an Application Gateway
Configure the Application Gateway
Turn on Azure AD Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Enable Azure AD Conditional Access
Set up Fraud Alerts
MFA One-Time Bypass
Verifying Your Identity with MFA
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
Creating Custom RBAC Roles
Create App Services Web App
Deploy Web App
Create an App Services Container App
Upload Web jobs as Background Jobs
Create a Kubernetes Cluster (AKS)
Deploy a Kubernetes Cluster (AKS)
Use the AKS Dashboard
Install Docker Toolbox on Local
Test the Container Using Docker Compose
Introduction to Data Security
Data Storage Encryption
Azure Key Vault
Storing ARM Template Secrets
Storing Application Secrets
Storing Certificate Secrets
Intro to Relational Databases
Create a SQL Database
Concept of Geo-Replication
Using the SQL Database Firewall
SQL Server Management Studio
Inserting Data into SQL Database
Working with ARM Templates, Part 1
Working with ARM Templates, Part 2
Working with ARM Templates, Part 3
Working with ARM Templates, Part 4
Deploy a Linux VM using ARM Templates